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Tag: Sadness

I Walk A Lonely Path

I Walk A Lonely Path

From nothing I came
And to nothing will I return
Between these an eternal agony of existing
Bearing me onward
Towards oblivion

A nobody I was
A nobody I will be
Lost in this wilderness of being
Reminding me always
Of my failure

Born nowhere
I will die nowhere
Alone along many paths have I stumbled
Unguided, unknown


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I am a traitor to my race.
I have betrayed their trust.
Because they are a people of hate
And I a person of love.

They wanted me to hate
 Hate my fellow man.
 And yet I love you
 And thus conspired against mankind.

When will they find me
 And expose me for what I am?
 But yet I cannot hate you
 No matter what they do.

And are you also a betrayer
 Or are you just like them?
 Oh, I'll give my love to you
 But will you do the same thing too?


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So many dreams have died

So many dreams have died

So many dreams have died
In my heart
And now another
Of you

How much more heartache must I take
Before I die?
What new pains
Must I learn
Before the darkness?

Let me retire from this life's race
Defeated and forgotten
Torment me not with stark remembrances
Of what could not be
Persecute not this weary soul
With hateful voices


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Tomorrow brings another day
Alone, world weary, without hope.
My cares lie heavy,
My thoughts in turmoil, torment me.
Another day without you I suffer.
My sorrow fills my aching heart.
My cup of loneliness overflows.
I call out your name,
Silence answers me,
It's repression surrounds me,
Darkness enfolds me,
In the distance a light I see,
Could it be my salvation?


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I am just

I am just

I am just a simple man,
A man who doesn't always say the right thing,
Who doesn't always know the right thing to do.
A man who cannot always express himself
Like a gifted speaker
Who sometimes stops
And starts when saying something.
Whose words sometimes like torrents flow forth.
A man whose emotions sometimes overwhelm him
And then like a fool degrades himself
Before those for whom he cares
And forever he then carries a burden of guilt
Of some imagined wrong.

I am just a stupid man,
Who doesn't always see that someone cares.
Who feels a numbness for the outside world,
And an emptiness within.
Who doesn't believe that love exists,
For him, only others.
Never for methat simple happiness
Of love requited.

I am just a wanting man,
Crying out for someone to care.
A lonely voice it seems to me,
For no-one answers.
Am I alone?
And you, will you heed my call?


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Cause of Anguish

Cause of Anguish

Colours run through my mind
Lights, shapes, memories
Are all I have now
Of a once complete consciousness

Stability no longer exists
Since she came
At once my mind became restless
Until it became divided

My soul stretched out to her
My shyness fought against nature
My actions were no longer mine
My thoughts were confused

I knew it would happen
For me loneliness evermore
But my mind cannot endure it
Please, please help...


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A million more breaths to breathe, my friend,
Before you die.
A weary life you lead
In a shattered, scattered shell.
The yearning ceased long ago.
Now only an empty, dull ache
And darkness
Always darkness.


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Ground Zero

Ground Zero

What did they feel I wonder?
As they were swept away on that hideous wave.
That same wave that so terribly burnt the names
Hiroshima and Nagasaki
Into our dull consciousness.

Were they afraid, did they feel terror
In those few seconds?
Did they think on their loved ones,
Did they know they were going to die,
Or were they just living their ordinary lives?

Were the children playing in the streets?
Were the mothers shopping, washing, talking?
Were the fathers working as they had always done?
Did they have brothers I wonder
Fighting at the front?

So many died in that instant, in that twinkling of an eye,
All on the orders of a solitary man so far away.
And so many of the undead
Suffered so terribly.
Was it worth it?

And now so many years later
What lessons have we learnt?
Could it ever happen again?
Will so many people die so needlessly
Or can we learn to live in peace?


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